The charge of 10-20 Life is a sentence enhancement and is known as the “use a gun and you’re done” law. The use of a firearm in the commission of murder, mayhem, kidnapping, robbery, carjacking, assault on a police officer, rape, sodomy, may trigger this sentence enhancement. If the charge is upheld the enhancement is in addition, and consecutive, to the underlying felony conviction.
What does the prosecutor have to prove?
1. Defendant personally used a firearm.
2. Defendant used the firearm in the commission or attempted commission of any of the following felonies..(see Penal Code section 12022.53)
Felony: (use of a firearm) 10years/10years/10years
(discharging a firearm) 20years/20years/20years
(bodily injury) 25 years-Life