Prominent Juvenile Defense Attorneys in San Diego, California

Experienced juvenile defense attorney Patrick Griffin will do his best to prevent young people from getting entangled into the court system.

In Need of a Juvenile Defense Lawyer in San Diego, California?

Hire Experienced Juvenile Defense Attorney San DiegoAt the Griffin Law Office, APC, our skilled juvenile criminal defense attorney in San Diego understands that when minors are in legal trouble, the stress and anxiety of their cases weigh heavily on their parents.

Criminal charges have a devastating way of replacing our client’s integrity and dignity with panic and fear, whether this is their first brush with the law or if they have a criminal history.

You and your child do not have to face the unknown and unimaginable alone.

We provide our California clients with confidence during their crises by accommodating both the parents and their juveniles’ busy work and school schedules while addressing their questions, concerns, anxieties, and doubts to focus on producing real results for real minors who are in real trouble.

How can we help you safeguard your child’s future by pursuing the best outcome for their juvenile court case?

What are the Most Common Types of Juvenile Crimes in California?

White Young Child's Hands in Jail

An accusation of committing a juvenile crime can have a terrible effect on your kid’s reputation, future, and overall well-being.

For these reasons, it is crucial to work with a San Diego juvenile defense lawyer who will manage the case with care and an awareness of all the possible ramifications.

In California, some of the most common types of juvenile cases include:

  • Vandalism and graffiti
  • Shoplifting and petty theft
  • Assault charges from fights at school or the neighborhood
  • Alcohol and drug violations
  • Joyriding in a vehicle
  • Speeding or reckless driving

Other more serious offenses that juveniles can face in California may include:

  • Assault and battery crimes
  • Burglary
  • Driving under the influence
  • Gang crimes
  • Gun possession
  • Murder and attempted murder
  • Robbery
  • Sex crimes
  • Theft crimes

When the delinquent acts are serious offenses, your child’s very freedom may be at stake.

If the minor is found guilty, he or she will face the same penalties as adults, and that could mean spending years in prison.

Our skilled San Diego County criminal defense lawyer, Patrick Griffin, and knowledgeable support staff provide superior legal defenses for our minor clients by working with case officers to help them avoid long-term entanglement in the court system.

If your minor child has been arrested and charged with a minor offense or a serious crime, we can help you navigate the juvenile court system and pursue the best outcome to protect their future. Contact us today to learn more about your child’s juvenile charges and the potential penalties they face, so you can make informed decisions about the direction of their case.

Our skilled San Diego criminal defense attorney represents clients in the following practice areas:

How Does the Court Differentiate Between the Types of Juvenile Offenders in California?

An adult court is significantly different than juvenile court.

However, juveniles still have the right to partner with a skilled San Diego criminal defense attorney to ensure their rights are protected throughout the legal process, and that they fully understand the charges, evidence, and penalties they face, so they can mount a proper defense that will help save their futures.

There are four distinct categories of juvenile offenses in California, including:

  • Minor offenses, called informal probationers, are diverted into programs and facilities for rehabilitative purposes, which can include mental health programs, substance abuse programs, crisis shelters, or another appropriate facility or program.
  • Status offenses, which are exclusive to juveniles, and can include truancy or curfew violations where they may not be detained or otherwise held along with criminal offenders, but instead face probation terms.
  • Criminal offenses, which pertain to juveniles under the age of 18 who committed a more serious crime and can either be placed on formal probation, or sent to a rehabilitative camp, county ranch, or California Division of Juvenile Justice facility.
  • When a juvenile aged 16-17 commits a serious felony — or anyone aged 14 or older commits murder in California — he or she will be tried as an adult. Despite their ages when these crimes are committed, the juvenile, if convicted, will be detained in state prison as an adult.

Nothing could be more important than your child’s future. If your child is in trouble with the law, forgiveness and a second chance are all that most young people need to get their lives back on track. If your child has been arrested for committing any crime of any penalty level, contact our San Diego juvenile defense attorneys at the Griffin Law Office today to discuss the charges and potential penalties, so we can help give you and your kid face their case with confidence.

What Happens When Cases Go to Juvenile Court in California?

The first hearing is the detention hearing, when the court will choose whether to release the child or to detain him or her in custody pending the trial. However, the district attorney needs to provide sufficient proof to convince the judge “beyond a reasonable doubt” that the minor is guilty of that criminal activity. The judge can choose to release the child to parents while waiting for the result of the case or to send him or her to juvenile detention.

If the child is found guilty, then the judge determines appropriate punishment at a deposition hearing. Although the goal of the juvenile justice system is rehabilitation, those who are found guilty must face certain sanctions. Sanctions may include fines, community service, and probation.

Since the criminal charges can be serious, children should have legal representatives at all phases of the juvenile cases that allow them to prepare for the detention hearing and attempt to convince the judge that the child will not be a threat to the community if his parents are allowed to monitor him under strict conditions.

Out expert juvenile lawyers from San Diego County can help improve your chances of reducing the charges or having them dropped, so your kid’s future remains intact, and you can all put these charges behind you.

Why Choose Our Juvenile Defense Attorney at the Griffin Law Office in San Diego, California?

Juvenile criminal charges can bring a range of emotions, including anger, confusion, and fear that weigh so heavily on our clients and their children that it is important to our defense attorney and support staff that our clients know we care about the outcome of their cases.

At the Griffin Law Office, our dedicated juvenile criminal defense attorney takes pride in producing positive results for each of our clients, because at the end of the day — this is your child’s life we are talking about.

Our talented attorney provides the trust, skill, and courtroom flair our clients need to pursue actual results.

We have managed over 1,000 criminal defense cases in San Diego County, including those involving juvenile offenders, and have an extensive list of satisfied clients. The key to winning a criminal defense case for any aged client is to leave no stone unturned and to explore every option.

That is who we are.

Contact our skilled San Diego juvenile criminal defense attorney to learn more about your legal rights, the best way to minimize your damages, and how we accomplish favorable outcomes for your child’s unique needs by calling 619-269-2131 to discuss the details of your case today. Do not leave your child’s future to chance. We can help.

Frequently Asked Questions for Our Juvenile Criminal Defense Attorneys in San Diego

Many parents believe that their involvement in their child’s criminal defense case is all they need to show the court that their kid has the support and guidance necessary to be released into their care.

Unfortunately, even innocent juveniles — who may have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong group of people — need an experienced criminal defense attorney to protect their rights, explore diversionary options, and ensure the courts that the child has a legal advocate by their side who believes in their future.

As a parent, you will want to provide your child with the legal tools and resources they need to succeed and put these charges behind them. We can help ensure that is true.

Unless you were involved in the crime, the answer is typically no. When speaking with a juvenile criminal defense attorney, they must have all the facts about the case, so they can represent your child with precision.

At the Griffin Law Office, our juvenile criminal defense attorney in San Diego will keep both you and your child apprised of the ongoing legal process and explain each of their defense options, so together we can pursue the best outcome for your kid and help get their life back on track.

Many parents worry that their minor child’s brush with the law may jeopardize their future. Depending on the charges, the diversion program, and the juvenile’s completion of the terms, our skilled juvenile defense lawyer in San Diego can help get your child’s record sealed, so any legal violations are no longer viewable.

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