A person, knowing another person is a prostitute, lives or derives support or maintenance in whole or in part from the earnings or proceeds of the person’s prostitution may be charged with Pimping, a felony. A person, who procures for another person for the purpose of prostitution a place or as an inmate of any place in which prostitution is encouraged or allowed; or by promises, threats. or encourages another person to remain; or a person who receives or gives, or agrees to receive or give, any money or thing of value for procuring, or attempting to procure, another person for the purposes of prostitution, or to come into this state or leave this state for the purposes of prostitution is may be charged with Pandering, a felony.
What does the prosecutor have to prove?
Pimping: 1. Defendant knew that another person was a prostitute.
2. Defendant lived or derived support or maintenance in whole or in part from the earnings or proceeds of the other person’s prostitution, or from money loaned or advanced to or charged against that other person by any keeper or manager or inmate of a house or other place where prostitution is practiced or allowed.
Pandering: 1. Defendant procured Victim for the purpose of prostitution.
2. The procuring was accomplished by promises, threats, violence or any device or scheme.
3. Defendant procured the victim with the specific intent to influence the victim to become or continue to be a prostitute. [PC 266i(a)]
Felony: 3years/4years/6years