Criminal charges of Methamphetamine (Sale or Transportation) may be filed against any person who transports, imports into this state, sells, furnishes, administers, or gives away, or offers to transport, import in the state, sell, furnish, administer or give away, or attempts to import into this state or transport any controlled substance.
What does the prosecutor have to prove?
1. Defendant transported, sold, furnished, administered, or gave away a controlled substance or
1. Defendant offered to transport, sell, furnish, administer, or give away a controlled substance;
2. Defendant knew of the controlled substance’s presence;
3 Defendant knew it to be a controlled substance. [Rideout v Superior Court (1967) 67 Cal.2d 471] [People v Rogers (1971) 5 Cal.3d 129] [Cal Crim No. 2301]
Felony: 2years/3years/4years
With probation 0-364 days