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DUI: Charges Reduced

DUI: Charges Reduced Client was arrested for a DUI (Vehicle Code §§ 23152 (a) and (b)) and not having valid vehicle registration due to a mistake in the DMV database. Client had a high blood alcohol level (.25), but we were able to argue that there was no probable...

DUI: No Jail Time

DUI: No Jail Time Client was charged with a DUI (Vehicle Code §§ 23152 (a) and (b)) and three counts of hit and run, no injuries. Hit parked vehicles. Charges were reduced. No jail...
A Guide to Your First Offense DUI

A Guide to Your First Offense DUI

A Guide to Your First Offense DUI Driving while under the influence of alcohol is considered a crime. If you are charged with a first offense DUI you may receive a punishment that is less severe than if you had been charged for the same crime in the past. If you...